Meek & Mild?
Jesus said the meek would inherit the earth.
I'm no scholar of Greek or Aramaic, so I can't tell you exactly what Jesus
meant when he said that. But I t...
Roger Ailes
Roger Ailes Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 10/01/2024 - 21:31
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Roger Ailes
Whether (and how) America can survive Trumpism
Georgetown Professor Thomas Zimmer joins us to talk about polarization and
extremism, and what insights American and world history provide as to
whether ...
Yesterday, I'd written a few words about my state of mind and heart since
my husband, Tom, died last year. This morning, I looked at my words from
How do we find middle ground?
We are so deeply polarized as a people. How do we re-establish
relationship with those who think it's okay to imprison children, who are
afraid of Muslims...
Beyond the Call of Duty
*Church of the Advent, Federal Hill • Proper 18c 2019*
Though I am bold enough in Christ to command you to do your duty, yet I
would rather appeal to you ...
Marriage Equality Breaking News
Amsterdam City Hall, April 1, 2001 - Photo by Rex There are four frequently
updated articles on the front page of this website: • Marriage Equality
Around ...
Easter Saturday / Earth Day
“God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.” -
Genesis 1:31
Someone once challenged me to justify Christian ecological concern us...
“The Intel On This Wasn’t 100 Percent”
Gee. Ya think? Mr. Welch, the father of two daughters, said he woke up
Sunday morning and told his family he had some things to do. He left
“Smallsbury,” a...
Thank you, Brenda, Karen, Shelley, Dorothy, Michael and David. Your valiant
effort in the last furlong resulted in a massive total for this year's
Requiescat in Pace, Göran
Fr. Göran Koch-Swahne (1954-2011)
I dina händer, o barmhärtige Frälsare, vi berömmer din tjänare Göran. Erkänn
, bönfaller vi ödmjukt dig, ett får av din eg...
Homophobes Fail to Stop D.C. Gay Marriage
New audio interview w/ gay Filmmaker Stu Maddux
& Vanessa Domico, Founder & President of Outcast
Films, on the upcoming Academy Awards....
Farewell to Kiki (aka Coffee Cat)
On April 8, 2008, Kiki was handed over to us by friends of a woman dying of
cancer. What wonderful friends.
In times of crisis, families are often overwh...